You and Your Anxious Child : Free Your Child from Fears and Worries and Create a Joyful Family Life

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  • Author: Albano, Anne Marie & Pepper, Leslie
  • Publisher: Penguin Group Australia
  • ISBN: 9781583334959
  • Format: Paperback
  • number of pages: 112
  • publication year: 2013
Anxiety affects more children and teens than any other psychiatric illness, but it's also the most treatable emotional disorder. Some 25 percent of children and adolescents will suffer an anxiety disorder at one or more points in their lifetime, resulting in serious problems in their ability to function in school, with peers, and day to day. Dr. Anne Marie Albano, a renowned researcher and clinician who has developed groundbreaking, proven coping strategies, illuminates a new path to fear-free living for families. You and Your Anxious Child differentiates among separation anxiety, generalized anxiety, and social phobia, and guides parents on when and how to seek intervention. With moving case studies, such as that of seven-year-old Timmy, who became so frantic to find his parents that he accidentally pushed his toddler brother down a flight of stairs, this book describes the nightmare that families can be living, and helps them understand that they are not alone. Every step of the way, Albano illustrates effective therapies to manage anxiety issues in children while addressing the emotional needs of parents, too. You and Your Anxious Child brings much-needed hope to families, helping them shape a positive new vision of the future. 
Keywords: Mental Health - Child and Family, Anxiety